
We’re always looking for properties to lease on a long term basis.

Inspire Housing have years of experience in property management and specifically HMO management. We lease properties from private landlords to provide accommodation and support to the more vulnerable members of the community. We can lease your property for up to five years – and you’ll be guaranteed rent whether the property is occupied or not.


Benefits to Landlords

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Guaranteed rental figure every month for a period of 3 to 5 years, meaning no void periods. 

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We pay for all utilities (gas, electric, water and council tax).

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We employ a cleaner and a gardener to maintain your property to a high standard.

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Fully managed property, with regular visits to each property and regular Health and Safety inspections.

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We are happy to take care of small repairs and maintenance on your property.

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No tenant finding fees to an agent, no inventory costs, no AST’s to manage. Completely hassle free!


We provide our landlords with quality customer service, from the moment they sign a new lease with us. We work very closely with each landlord to ensure their property meets HMO regulations. Our team provide a full housing management service, we are very hands-on and along with our team of experienced and knowledgable staff we ensure your property is maintained to a very high standard for the duration of our contract.

Before we lease your property we will check that it meets our standards and the needs of future tenants.

It’s the hassle-free way to rent your home so give us a call today. We’ll explain the type of properties we need, the documents we will need to see and let you know how much rent you could receive.